Thursday, November 20, 2008

What I Want.

There are several things, but mainly, I want more time.

I want to be in the studio regularly, more than six or seven hours a week. I want my studio time to be a full-time job. Even more than three hours at a time would be amazing, because maybe I could do more than one thing while I'm there. Like, I could throw and then glaze. Or trim and then throw.

I want my own studio.

I want to get my MFA in ceramics so I can learn how to build and fire my own kilns.

I want to open a therapeutic ceramics studio, where clients/artists learn to make glazes, make their own clay, stack and fire kilns, etc.

I want to be able to live off of my art.

It's really hard to write these things. Writing them makes them more real, and some how more unattainable.

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